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Chief is a LOVE HATE relationship for me. Perhaps I need to sit with someone does 400 plans a year that has a system of spiting these things out. I do understand a good bit about the process but! The avg Joe just wants to draw a correct set of plans then move onto construction, and maybe make it pretty and realistic looking in the process to attract a potential buyer, Okay, I've gone on too long again, sorry. I know that was very simple and probably lame to all you construction gurus out there. All I want to do is sort by layer for the first floor. What's wrong with that? Let the computer figure out the best and correct place to print it and order it to the layout. If I am on level 1 (first floor) then I want to draw and view everything that is associated with the 1st Floor on the 1st Floor. I just wish I wasn't fighting Chief so much to get what I want done so I could spend time in Lumion, Where lumber need to go on plan by the CPU should not drive how we look at it. It's programs like Lumion that are doing it right, and that is why I did not hesitate to get onboard. You, my friend, are not the one to comment here because what comes easy and ho hum (because that's how you think and that's cool - I envy you!) but for many others, what you do in your sleep we have to struggle with for days. My point.Software needs to be intuitive enough for the mass audience a company needs to grow and prosper. 5-1/4 floppies and all, he looked at me as said, "When you can tell that thing what you want and it does it, I'll buy one!" Well, he's come around since and is an avid user.

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I'm glad guys like you give us the time of day and guide us along the way through Chief! Funny, I can still see and hear my brother when I got the first Commodor 64. I am not and will never be the kind of user like you and many other power dudes are, and that's okay. Hell, I've been drawing with Chief since X5 but only in the past 2 years have I really started to seriously focus on it. Some people catch on quickly to many challenging applications. For me, the bottom line is how straight forward and intuitive a program is to use.

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